Fashion designer Kate Leaver shares her unexpected labor experience and how relieved she was to have Janel by her side.

After 30+ hours of labor, many albums being played, encouragement from Janel and my partner, my baby was finally born.

When I found out I was pregnant with my first son, I knew I wanted a doula by side.  I found Janel through my midwife.  I was considering having a home birth but couldn't quite make the leap.  I knew I wanted something natural but had some fears about doing it at home.  We spoke about the hospital environment when we first met.  She told me that we often look at the hospital as a place of sickness but with birth we should be looking at it as a place of health.  As a pregnant woman, she said, you are strong and healthy growing a baby inside-there's nothing wrong with you.  We should look at the hospital as a place to help facilitate this wonderful process. I knew right away I wanted her by my side. 

My original birth “plan” was to be as unmedicated as possible.  I wasn’t quite sure why I felt this way but thought it was the “right” way.  During our time together before the birth, she was very supportive in asking questions and educating us on what to expect.  I found myself dealing with fears of being a good mom and being able to handle the birth. I never felt any judgment from her.  I knew that she was helping me find the answers to give me strength to handle the upcoming day.  

When my water broke, I called her up right away.  She was very calm and talked me through the next steps.  As the contractions geared up, she came to my side and helped me breath through them at home. I wanted to labor at home as long as I could to help prevent any medications.  When she came to our apartment, I instantly felt at ease knowing I had someone by my side.  She also helped ease my partner's nerves on what to do.  She was very in tune with my body and mind and helped me relax.  She brought oils, guided me into different positions and helped me breathe into each contraction.  Once we got to the hospital, the pain started to increase, I wondered if I could keep going.  She helped me stick with my original plan. At one point, we turned on the tv and one of my favorite cooking shows was on.  We talked about how this was a good sign.  She continued to keep a positive environment amongst all of us, my partner included, as the hours passed us by.  I worked hard breathing myself in and out of each contraction.  When we realized the baby’s heartbeat was starting to suffer and my water had been broken for almost two days, we started to talk about the epidural. I remember squeezing her hand so hard with each contraction I wondered if I would break her fingers!  She kept a strong grip as I realized I was fighting myself instead of letting my body do its job.  Janel was by my side helping me talk through it, what was I afraid of? I decided to take the pain medication so I knew I would have enough strength to push the baby out.  She calmed my nerves and made me feel good about the decision I had made.  

When I started to push, Janel told me to feel his head.  It was the motivation I needed to keep pushing,  I remember looking at the corner of the room wondering if this was going to end.  After 30+ hours of labor, many albums being played, encouragement from Janel and my partner, my baby was finally born. 

Janel was the partner we needed to get through our birth.  She brought guidance, warmth, and support through each step. I truly enjoyed our time together and feel like I have gained a new friend.


Dancer Ashley Jones and her husband Geo had the fully natural birth they envisioned for the birth of their first child.


Artist Amy Feldman recounts her positive experience working with Janel for her low-intervention hospital birth.