Marketing leader Jolie Nguyen recounts her experience tackling the unexpected journey of labor with Janel by her side.

Pictured – Jolie meets sons bowie for the first time.

Jolie remembers:

The next day, and for weeks to come, Janel checked in on me and gave me back my mental and emotional strength by reminding me that a c-section is still childbirth

I don't really know where to start... perhaps with the fact that I don't know if I would have had such an amazing birthing experience without Janel. She was warm, informative, and communicative--all traits I sought in my doula search.

Janel was there for me at 24 weeks when my OB flat out denied one of my birthing preferences and put me in a position to comply or find someone new (!). She was there for me when my due date came and went and I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my little one. And, of course, she was there for me in the early AM hours when my little one decided to put me through intense back labor. To top it off... every birth preference I had went out the window--to no one's fault other than babies will come how they wish to come! 24+ hours into labor, and an unplanned c-section ahead, Janel held my hand and reminded me of everything I had accomplished and that meeting my little one was the ultimate goal. The next day, and for weeks to come, Janel checked in on me and gave me back my mental and emotional strength by reminding me that a c-section is still childbirth <3.

Thank you, Janel.


Morgan Stanley executive Lara Porter describes how grateful she was to have Janel's guidance during her unplanned homebirth.


New parents Ellen and Nate reflect on their positive birth experience with Janel by their side.