Science teacher Fiona Lynch and her husband Jim share how Janel helped them navigate the unexpected for the birth of their first son.

First-time mom Fiona reflects on how Janel cared for her and her husband Jim during her labor experience:

My birth story would have been entirely different without Janel’s support. Now looking back, more than ever I appreciate her guidance and compassion. I cannot recommend her more and am forever grateful for having her safely help me navigate the biggest life change I have ever experienced.

When bringing our first child into the world, we wanted a doula to help us navigate a health care system that in many ways is not built to support mothers and babies. Our midwives recommended a number of doulas that we met with, but immediately when we met Janel we were struck by her experience, her knowledge, and her warmth. From the beginning, she was able to alleviate some of the fears that I felt about giving birth. I felt completely confident that we were in good hands with someone who both intuitively knows the ins and outs of giving birth in a hospital and someone that I could talk to without judgment and place my full trust in.

Janel’s prenatal sessions were very informative and well organized. She was able to answer all of our questions and we did not need to do another childbirth class. She was available to talk through text and phone calls in addition to our many online and in person sessions, and my husband and I felt like we could ask her anything. Janel gave great advice about movement and working with a physical therapist prior to delivering when I was experiencing bad pelvic pain that made it difficult to walk.

When we received alarming news at our 40 week sonogram, Janel was the first person that I called. She was able to soothe me and give advice to deescalate the situation and stop me from panicking. The doctor who analyzed the sonogram recommended that we deliver immediately, but with the help of Janel and my midwives at Oula, we were able to see that it was not an emergency situation so we spent the night at home to rest up before being induced in the morning. Janel texted with us and called us that night, and was in constant communication when we checked into the hospital the next morning to be induced. I really didn’t want to be induced, but thanks to our planning together, my husband and I knew what to expect and were prepared to meet our baby.

Janel stayed aware of every phase that we went through in the hospital and helped us to remember our birth plan the next morning and afternoon as the induction process began. She arrived at the hospital after eight hours of labor when things started to speed up, and helped me to try different positions to get the baby to move down in my pelvis and stay more comfortable. Her knowledge, patience, and calm demeanor helped bring comfort to my husband and I, and I was once again so grateful that my husband wasn’t witnessing my birth alone, that he had someone to help advocate for me and for our baby. I was able to stay vulnerable and feel supported and cared for as I delivered our son. She took photos after his birth that we treasure and would not have thought to take on our own, and helped him to latch for the first time.

My birth story would have been entirely different without Janel’s support. Now looking back, more than ever I appreciate her guidance and compassion. I cannot recommend her more and am forever grateful for having her safely help me navigate the biggest life change I have ever experienced.


Acupuncturist Alex Young reflects on her decision to have Janel as part of her birth team.


Dancer Ashley Jones and her husband Geo had the fully natural birth they envisioned for the birth of their first child.